
Life goes on

What an incredibly rich religious weekend I'm having. Four days in a row of new and powerful opportunities. This is just a quick check-in with a few links to establish the outline. Further reflections will be here soon.

Friday night:

I went to Temple United Methodist Church (pastor Schuyler Rhodes) to hear my Friend Heidi speak about her two and a half years working in a HIV/AIDS ministry in Pretoria, South Africa. (the city is now called Tshwane) Heidi was sponsored by Temple U.M.C. as one of their "missionaries," but she is a member of my Meeting, and support for her work came from both groups. She has built bridges between Quakers and Methodists in San Francisco and South Africa. She has also built bridges between some of the estimated 30% of South Africans who are INfected with HIV/AIDS and the other 70% who are AFfected by HIV/AIDS. Amazing stories. My favorite line: This life is not a dress rehearsal. Also, Heidi does a better job of using blatantly religious language than anyone else I know.

All day Saturday:

I went to College Park Quarterly Meeting at Berkeley's Vine Street Meetinghouse. (Clerk: Laura Magnani) Theme: Risk Taking in a Time of Peacemaking. My job: Clerk of Children's Program Committee. Lots more to write about the day... A good time was had by all.

This morning (Sunday):

I went to Berkeley Friends Church (Pastor: Max Hanson) with the teens from the College Park Quarterly Meeting. My first programmed meeting! Except that the program included over 30 minutes of open worship, so it wasn't that different. First observation: there were as many teens as anybody else attending, about 20 of each group.

Tomorrow (Monday):

I'm going for the first time to a potluck dinner at the home of Mark Scandrette of ReImagine, an emergent church work in San Francisco. That's it. You know as much about it as I do. I'm not even sure if the potluck dish has to be vegetarian or not. But I am really looking forward to it.

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Blogger Liz Opp said...

Hey, Robin. Nice to hear from you and find out what you've been engaged by.

I admit, just reading about the meeting of your Quarter makes me hungry for my neck of the woods to have Quarters, too, just for additional fellowship and intervisitation...

Liz, The Good Raised Up

1/16/2006 10:30 AM  
Blogger Robin M. said...

Hi Liz! Yes, I'm still here. I'm hoping to regain some rhythm and discipline about writing for this year. But this morning I'm just trying to follow up on the children's program committee meeting - sending out the minutes, etc.

Quarterly Meeting IS a great place for fellowship and getting to know Friends from a wider region during the year between Yearly Meeting sessions. For me, and for my kids. It's a kind of cross-pollination of ideas and movings of the Spirit.

1/16/2006 11:34 AM  

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