
Monday morning update

I'm sure you've heard of "taking a mental health day" from work? For me, April was a mental health month.

I left my paid employment at the end of March. Over the last five weeks, I have spent more time with my kids, more time writing, and more time walking on the beach. All of which has been very satisfying.

Blogging has gone up and down over these weeks, but overall readership is up. Either today or tomorrow, I will probably reach 5,000 visits since I set up the site meter in August. Woo hoo!

Just so you know, this week is my son's birthday and the second grade class play, for which I am the costume mistress. And Quarterly Meeting is coming up and I need to get things finalized for the children's program. And a few other things are going on, so fortunately, I have this week's posts already written. It is a three part series based on my visit to the local Presbyterian church yesterday, BEFORE going to Meeting to teach First Day School. You never know when you'll have a transforming experience.


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