
Second report from the QUIP conference

I realized yesterday that I don't have time while I'm here to think enough about what I'm writing to post anything more than just the barest facts of what's happening.

Yesterday morning we had a decent presentation about effective web design.

In the afternoon, we had a revisioning session to look at the changing membership of QUIP and how to effectively serve the publishers of Truth in the 21st century. I think the ideas were realistic and positive.

After that, I went to a workshop on Copyediting as Ministry. It was an Opportunity with a capital O.

Last night's session about Blogging as Ministry went well. I felt like it flowed - the Holy Spirit was with us in the presentation and the questions and the technology cooperated.

After lunch, we're leaving for a tour of Guilford College. This evening will be the panel of the Editorial Board of the Youth Book.

As someone mentioned yesterday in the revisioning session, the most important part of any conference are the Hallway Sessions. The informal opportunities to meet and talk with other Quaker writers, publishers, and ministers (some people are all three) has been enriching in ways I could not have imagined when I was first invited to come to this meeting.


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Blogger Elizabeth Bathurst said...

It was great to meet you last weekend.


5/02/2008 1:26 PM  

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