
A pretty good homemaking day

Actually, Saturday was a great child-raising day, and not too bad on the housekeeping front.

1. I comforted each child as he woke up.

2. I negotiated a complete pull out of all the toys under their bed (to facilitate bunk-bed-fort building) and the complete return of said toys at the end of the day, with no tears and no yelling.

3. I took them to just the right movie: Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium. The movie was sweet and earnest and magical, without sarcasm, hyped-up action scenes or sexual tension. (It is an exceptional treat for us to go to a movie theater. The boys could probably count the times they’ve done that on one hand.)

4. I played four hands of UNO (won 2) and coached both kids in learning how to shuffle.

5. I supervised a nearly whine-free round of household chores.

6. I took them to the playground and played tag with them until they hooked up with other kids.

7. I took them to the library. H. found The Book he’s been looking for, for like two years, since he finished the rest of the series.

8. I read out loud all six of the books my younger son checked out plus about half of Runny Babbit.

9. I read e.e. cummings’ “I thank You God” poem to my older son.

10. I fed them three nutritious meals and two “fun” snacks.

11. I kissed them each good night, on time. Actually, the little one went down about 15 minutes early and the older one stayed up about 15 minutes late.

In between, I did dishes and laundry and cleaned toilets. I made a huge batch of delicious pumpkin muffins. I posted to my blog. I made two important Quaker phone calls and three family holiday planning calls.

Some days, every once in a while, everything flows easily. I react to every thing and every one with grace. I am content.

I thank you God for most this amazing day.


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Blogger Allison said...

What a lucky kid to be reading EE Cummings poetry!

Other than that, being a mom sounds really hard!

11/19/2007 1:39 PM  
Blogger Friendly Mama said...

I generally dislike this phrase but it does sound like you had a truly "blessed day"! As surely a gift as any I can imagine. Hold it in your heart to sustain you through those "calgon, take me away" days.

11/20/2007 10:04 AM  
Blogger Robin M. said...

Thanks, Allison and Mary Linda.

Some days are hard and others are easy. I thought I would take a moment to acknowledge an easy one - just because it's too common to only notice the hard ones.

11/20/2007 12:12 PM  

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