
End of Year Retreat

Combining three of my favorite Quakers: Quaker Center and Brent and Nancy Bill.

Yes, that means you'll be able to meet Brent and Nancy in person on the west coast! If you live within a thousand miles of the Pacific Ocean, don't miss this first in a lifetime experience!!!

Sacred Compass:
Exercises in Spiritual Discernment

December 27 - January 1

What is the purpose of this program?
A compass makes a good metaphor for our spiritual lives and the work of discerning God’s will for them. God doesn’t speak as clearly and as obviously as Mapquest or GoogleMaps or GPS. Maybe that’s because we don’t navigate the life of faith via anything remotely resembling GPS.

Instead, the divine compass points us to the mind and love of God. Keeping our soul’s eyes on the sacred compass leads us to the holy discovery that we can move through life with purpose and promise, even in those times when we may not sense with certainty what that purpose and promise are. In a grace-filled way, our compass invites us into a life of continuous experiences of God and of spiritual transformation. As we move toward Divine guidance, we joyfully behold the face of a loving God gazing back at us.

This workshop, based on Brent’s book Sacred Compass, will be an interactive opportunity to check our compasses and see where God has led and is leading us. We’ll use experiences such as drawing Life Maps, charting the call of the Divine in our lives, and more.

Who is this retreat for? We encourage and welcome the participation of all who are seeking to learn more about spiritual discernment or reconnect with vital spiritual practices around the topic of discernment. We invite people of all ages, races, genders, sexual orientations and abilities to use this time and space for this discernment process. Persons of any or no religious discipline are welcome.

Is there any leisure time during the retreat? In addition to our time together there will be time to relax, walk through Quaker Center’s magnificent redwood forest, visit our Labyrinth, and enjoy the fellowship of other participants. While we hope that participants will want to attend all of Brent and Nancy’s sessions each presentation will be useful on its own, even for someone who did not attend an earlier session.

What is the cost for the retreat? Quaker Center offers a sliding scale of between $240 and $410 per person, based on your discernment of your financial status. No one will be turned away because of inability to pay. The program, five nights of semi-private accommodations and fifteen meals are included.

Questions? Call (831)336-8333 or e-mail mail [at] QuakerCenter [dot]org. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.

About the Leaders:
Brent and Nancy Bill are Friends from Indiana. They live on Ploughshares Farm, where they are returning Hoosier pastureland to prairie grasses, wildflowers, shrubs, and native hardwoods. Nancy and Brent were founding members of the Friends in Fellowship worship group, a Quaker group based in theological hospitality. Nancy is a beginning potter, creates flower gardens, and is Brent’s spiritual mentor.

Brent is a recorded minister and serves as the executive vice president of the Indianapolis Center for Congregations, Inc. A graduate of Wilmington College and Earlham School of Religion, Brent is the author of many books including Sacred Compass: The Path of Spiritual Discernment, Mind the Light: Learning to See with Spiritual Eyes, Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality, and Imagination and Spirit: A Contemporary Quaker Reader. He is a frequent speaker and workshop leader and may be reached through his Web site www.brentbill.com. His blog, Holy Ordinary, appears at holyordinary.blogspot.com

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Blogger Jenell Williams Paris said...

Sadly, I live 2800 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The retreat sounds wonderful!

9/30/2008 7:53 AM  
Blogger Robin M. said...

Yes, Jenell, but that means you live a lot closer to Indiana and the east coast, where Brent does more of his workshops. I encourage you to check out his website to find something that might work for you.

The rare thing is to see him and Nancy out west.

9/30/2008 2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice blog~

5/22/2009 3:56 AM  

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