
Faith. Farm. Finish.

So as not to be left out of the blogging meme I like best at the moment, I have chosen not one but three words for 2010. Last year my word was balance. The year before that, it was discipline. I can’t remember anything before that.

This year, my three words are faith, farm and finish.

This is to help me remember that I am enough. That we are enough. That God is enough. I believe, Lord, help thou my unbelief. (I've used this phrase before.)

This word I stole brazenly from Chris Brogan’s Three Words for 2008, but the concept in my mind is largely from Rob Brezny. My horoscope from December 24, 2009, to be exact. (Aquarius. And occasional others in the past on the same theme.) The point is to keep going at the tedious little tasks that are necessary to any project. Like hoeing on a farm, or filing in an office, or sweeping the kitchen floor, or reminding my kids to use their napkin, not their sleeve. It just has to be done over and over, with little to show for it in the short term, but still essential to long term success.

This is probably the most self-evident. The point is to keep at the little and big tasks until projects are actually complete, not just kind of close enough. But really finished. Basically, to wrap things up and not let them fester.

If I can hold onto these three concepts, in each area of my life, it will be a good year. Happy 2010 to all of you.

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Anonymous Eileen Flanagan said...

I like that use of the word farm. I think farming is underrated.

Best wishes for 2010!

1/05/2010 10:54 AM  
Blogger Robin M. said...

Thanks, Eileen - best wishes for you, your family and your new book in 2010.

I think the word "farm" could have several connotations for me this year. Like gardening, and a CSA, and nurturing my work, not just mindlessly hoeing my row.

1/05/2010 11:38 AM  
Blogger Liz Opp said...

Hi, Robin.

Wow, it's been a long time-- I haven't seen you in ages...

Mostly, I want to thank you for taking time to write this and for linking to the other bloggers who wrote about their word/s of the year. I find I am needing this sort of spiritual/intellectual/visceral stimulation that this sort of exercise provides.

It's like a bit of water in the midst of a dry spell...

Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up

1/06/2010 12:04 AM  
Blogger Robin M. said...

Hi Liz - you're right, it has been a long time. Any chance you'll come to Baltimore in March???

Glad this post was helpful to you too. I wrote the three words on a slip of paper over my desk at work. So far, it's helping a little bit.

1/10/2010 12:33 AM  
Blogger Liz Opp said...

Hi, Robin. It doesn't look like March is going to work out. I have an opportunity to travel closer to home that month, to an event that Iowa Yearly Meeting Conservative is putting on.

I'm sure I'll be missing a great meet-up with Friends across the branches--and I'm so glad you are continuing to travel to these FWCC events...

Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up

1/10/2010 4:58 PM  
Blogger Robin M. said...

Well, I'm still one of the Pacific Yearly Meeting representatives to FWCC, however well or badly I represent them. I still have to get the days off from work, but I hope to have that together soon.

The FWCC meetings and the convergent gatherings that have happened around them have been so rich for me. I will miss them when my term is up.

1/11/2010 12:50 AM  

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