
One Tenth of the News That's Fit to Print

By now I'm sure some people are wondering if I've abandoned this blog. No, I am acutely aware of wanting to write here. However, living my life will always take precedence over blogging it.

I've also decided to draw a line - that I can blog in advance about things anyone could come to, and I will blog afterwards about things I've been invited to but it's not my place to invite anyone else. We'll see how this experiment works out.

For example, you are all invited to another film night at the Ninth Street Meetinghouse in SF, 7:00 p.m., Saturday, April 7th. Three more short post-modern films about God featuring Rob Bell from Nooma.com. I think the titles will be Breathe, You, and Bullhorn.

Also, online registration starts tomorrow for the FGC Summer Gathering in River Falls, Wisconsin.

But I'm still in the throes of my Quaker version of March Madness, so blogging will be sparse for another 10 days, at least.

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Blogger Liz Opp said...

I've been thinking about how there's always "enough" in the Quakersphere to keep us bloggers (readers and writers) content.

When I'm super-busy, you, Gregg, RichardM and others are having at it. And when you are super-busy, me, Marshall, Paul L and others are picking up the slack.

Not that it's planned that way, and not that it plays out in just that way, but I've learned to trust that the faithful readers of our blogs will remain faithful... because we're all part of the same tapestry and because, eventually, we do return!

Liz Opp, The Good Raised Up

3/26/2007 4:25 PM  

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