
Where is the convergent conversation now?

What is it? Who else is in it? How do I get into it? Is it only online?

I’ll answer that last question first. NO. The convergent Friends' conversation has been going on in a number of places IRL – at large Quaker gatherings and at various Friends’ kitchen and picnic tables.

Next month, July 2 to be exact, we’ll open another chapter at the FGC Summer Gathering. There will be a Wednesday night interest group by this very same title.

Liz Opp and I are facilitating the discussion. We’ll tell a little more of our stories. We’ll ask Friends to share their questions and then we’ll choose the best of some semi-prepared ways of answering them. We’re interested in other people’s answers. If you’re going to the Gathering, we hope you’ll join us. We're looking for Friends who have been following the "conversation" who might be able to help us out.

If you’re not going, and most people on Earth aren’t, we’re still interested in your questions and your answers. Feel free to chime in here or on Liz’s blog. If you’re not registered for the Gathering, but you’d really like to come for this discussion, send me an email at the address in my profile, and I’ll see what we can do.

Here’s the official 50 word description:
Convergent Friends are talking about renewal and a Quakerism that bridges our schisms. Where and how is this conversation happening? Who else is having this conversation? Do you want to be a part of it? Bring your questions and let's share in the answers.

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Blogger kwicker said...


Hi! I'm a member of Durham MM, which is dual-affiliated with NCYM-C & FGC. I'll be attending the Gathering this year for the first time.

For three years now, I've been following the Convergent conversation (mainly through QuakerQuaker) with great interest. I've learned from the electronic conversation, but I'm really looking forward to meeting and discussing with some actual people! So I will definitely check out the interest group.

I'm also signed up for your workshop, Robin -- so I look forward to meeting you there.

Kent W

6/14/2008 4:52 PM  
Blogger Robin M. said...

Hi Kent! I look forward to meeting you in ten days!

6/18/2008 10:33 PM  

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